first black female actor to win tony emmy and oscar: viola davis

A note from a little Black Girl to Viola Davis

She Did It First

She Won an Oscar Emmy and a Tony Award 

Viola Davis became the first Black Woman to win the trinity: Oscar, Emmy and Tony Award. We applaud her for the work that she has done and we are here to support all the work she is going to do and we will continue to cheer her on and live off the seeds she continues to sow into our lives. Every time she accepts her award she always leaves us feeling more confident and certain about our lives.


first black female to win oscar tony and emmy: black voices, actor viola davis

A note from the little black girl who believed she could again:

Viola, congratulations on your achievements. Thank you for staying true to your love for your art. Thank you for the speeches that give us life and take us to an entirely different place of pride, filled with hope where we believe the American Dream is still alive... one where if we work hard, never quit and Love the journey The Heavens will reward us. 

I think I can, I believe I can, I know I can: the trinity.


Little Black Girl



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